The Sikkim Children’s Educational Fund is an organization dedicated to helping under-privileged children in Sikkim to achieve success in their lives through education at the St. Joseph’s School in Martam, East Sikkim.
Our grass-roots organization is inspired by the pure desire to lift children out of poverty by providing them with wholesome food, shelter, clothing, and a competitive primary and secondary school education. Your financial contribution will go very far in Sikkim and will greatly aid in assuring these children can attend and finish their schooling!
- A donation of $1000.00 supports a child’s room, board and full tuition for one academic year.
- A donation in any amount is greatly appreciated.
- Every cent of your donation goes directly to assisting our students!
At this time we are only accepting personal checks and money orders.
Please make your contribution to:
Sikkim Children’s Educational Fund
Please mail your check to :
Sikkim Children’s Educational Fund
c/o Roger Ford
449 Skyline Drive
Vallejo, CA 94591
Thank very much for your generosity!